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City Centre
Indian Tandoori & Couscous Restaurant
Indian Tandoori & Couscous Restaurant Menu

Indian Tandoori & Couscous Restaurant

Indian, Arabic


1 review

Photo of restaurant Indian Tandoori & Couscous Restaurant in City Centre, Catania

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Menu from Indian Tandoori & Couscous Restaurant

Browse the menu highlights at Indian Tandoori & Couscous Restaurant and explore the popular dishes people are craving! From starters to something sweet, take a look at what’s in store when you book a table at Indian Tandoori & Couscous Restaurant. Besides the flavours, you can even check out the prices at this popular spot. Mmmm, we're getting hungry already...

Menu highlights


Riso con verdure

riso basmati, verdure fritte e spezie indiane

Riso, verdura e uova

riso basmati, verdure fritte con uova e spezie indiane


riso basmati e spezie indiane



Chicken tandoori biryani

pollo marinato con yogurt, spezie indiane, cucinato con riso basmati, cipolla, zenzero, aglio e spezie indiane

Lamb biryani

carne di agnello accompagnata da riso basmati e spezie indiane

Beef biryani

carne di vitello accompagnata da riso basmati, cipolla, zenzero e aglio



Cous cous con ceci

couscous, ceci, coriandolo, cumino in polvere, zenzero, olio, sale, pepe e spezie

Cous cous con spinaci e patate

couscous, spinaci, patate al curry e spezie indiane

Cous cous con vitello

cousocus con vitello cucinato con cipolla, zenzero, aglio e spezie indiane

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