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Centro Storico
Parmaroma Reviews


Emilian, Italian, Pasta, Romagnolo

Dishes priced around15€

Photo of restaurant Parmaroma in Centro Storico, Rome
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Reviews of Parmaroma (16)

Read what people think about Parmaroma. All restaurant reviews are written by verified Quandoo diners. Learn more about Parmaroma before you go by getting tips and ratings from other restaurant-goers. With real-life reviews, you can see what other diners loved about Parmaroma and book a table with confidence!


16 reviews


16 reviews

Value for money:Reasonable value
Waiting time:Good
Noise levels:Pleasant
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Raffaele N.5 years ago · 2 reviews

Cibo di ottima qualità ma qualche "difettuccio" nel servizio (apparecchiatura incompleta, pochi menu, tovagliolo macchiato, ...) Personale cordiale.

Eric P.5 years ago · 1 review

Great experience for both locals and tourists. An hidden gem with great food that isn't presented in many Roman restaurants. Highly suggested!

John O.5 years ago · 1 review

Very nice place, a little hard to find as it is a small door leading to the basement dining room but once found it is a fantastic escape from the hectic crowds. Very nice food and wine from the Parma region and Tuscany.

Sandra S.5 years ago · 2 reviews

Il Cibo era solo - okay. Non è necessario di ritornare.

Donna G.5 years ago · 1 review

Francesco the owner was so charming and gracious. The food was authentic I’m a quiet, non tourist setting . Very reasonably priced and you are encouraged to take your time and savor the food and setting .

Stefano D.6 years ago · 1 review

Location non eccelsa, prodotti tipici di qualità, personale cortese ma non troppo professionale ma tutto sommato esperienza positiva visti anche i prezzi praticati che non ritengo eccessivi !

Catherine K.6 years ago · 1 review

Worst experience ever regarding service. The food was good, but the waiters ruined what could have been a very good meal and evening with friends. We waited 1,5 hour to get the wine on the table. The waiter was so buzy being buzy, that she was not able to handle our table. She ignored our request for service, she ignored our request for the wine, she ignored our attempt to order the food. When we got 3 main courses instead of 4 (we where 4 people), she did not find the time to go to the kitchen to sort things out. After another 30 minutes, my husbond had got enough, and went to the kitchen by himself. There he found the waiter and the chef smalltalking while his food was ready to be served. The food allready cold. We complain to the manager that was in the restuarant for his own party. After this the waiter was making fun of us - she did not see herself and what she did not manage to do. Allthough the food was very good, we will not recommend a visit to this place as it was very bad organized.

Nausica C.6 years ago · 2 reviews

Ristorante approssimativo e camerieri poco preparati e al limite dello scortese. Arriviamo al primo senza vino, parmigiano buono ma duro perché probabilmente vicino alla crosta.

Quandoo Diner6 years ago · 0 reviews

ParmaRoma è sempre una garanzia! Parmigiano e salumi fantastici, assolutamente da provare il Savarin di riso con culatello e fonduta. Buono il rapporto prezzo-qualità. Ci ritornerò!

Quandoo Diner6 years ago · 0 reviews

Serata meravigliosa in un locale in cui la ristorazione e’ di eccellente qualita’! Tutti i piatti sono stati preparati con alimenti di ottima qualità e conditi con il garbo, la classe e la cordialità che contraddistingue sia i camerieri che il proprietario! Onestamente non lascio mai una recensione con il massimo dei voti, ma questa volta non potevo non farlo! Locale da visitare e rivisitare e rivisitare!

Claudia M.6 years ago · 6 reviews

Sono stata qui la sera di San Valentino, forse un grosso errore la scelta della data. Mi hanno trattata come una pezzente. I piatti lasciavano anche molto a desiderare.... peccato ci ero già stata e lo ricordavo migliore

Federico S.6 years ago · 2 reviews

Ho organizzato una cena di lavoro. Il cibo nel complesso è buono anche se le porzioni non sono abbondanti. Il servizio si è dimostrato lento: personale poco presente in sala e non disponibili ad accogliere alcune richieste (es. condivisione primi). Non è stato possibile completare la cena a causa di un forte maleodore di fumo di sigaretta. Vana la richiesta di intervento del personale di sala e del gestore: il reclamo è stato completamente ignorato ed è stato presentato il conto in modo che potessimo lasciare la sala.

Quandoo Diner7 years ago · 0 reviews

Zunächst sei angemerkt, dass es generell schwierig ist in Rom per App (egal welcher Anbieter) überhaupt einen Tisch in einem authentischen Restaurant um die Ecke zu reservieren - wenig Auswahl (natürlich sind die teuren vertreten). Das Parmaroma erwies sich als touristengeeignetes und auf "typisch" ausgerichtetes Lokal. Weitere Indizien hierfür: keine Italiener als Gäste (zwei Stunden waren wir dort) zu bemerken; kaum Auslastung (viele Tische frei). Die Qualität der Speisen ist als solide zu beschreiben; allerdings stimmt das Preis-/ Leistungsverhältnis nicht unbedingt. Eine Auswahl an Schinken, Wurst (je Sorte 2 Scheiben) und Parmesan für zwei Personen zu 22€ --> Qualität gut, aber gehen Sie Mal in einen italienischen Supermarkt bei sich zu Hause oder in ein anderes Restaurant abseits der Trouristenpfade und Sie werden sehen, was ich meine. Als wir die Größe der Tiramisu gesehen und mit dem aufgerufenen Preis verglichen hatten, verließen wir das Restaurant und wurden um die Ecke unseres Hotels besser fündig. Bedienung / Personal sehr freundlich und engagiert.

"Very good"
Paul N.7 years ago · 2 reviews

Interesting and very nicely made food in generous portions at very reasonable prices, and sweet service, in rooms that are nice to be in. You do need to be aware, however, of Parma in the name of the restaurant as the cheese, however tasty the varieties in which it's served, does have a dominant role in the menu.

Philip B.7 years ago · 1 review

Great service and very good food. Nice that they are open a little earlier than other restaurants (1830) which made it possible to have a good and relaxed meal before a 20.00 concert.

"Very good"
Leopoldo T.7 years ago · 2 reviews

Cucina tipica emiliana. Buon servizio, location difficile da raggiungere ma alla fine confortevole. Cucina tipica emiliana con influenze di cucina romanesca. Conto non proprio economico ma nel complesso un ottimo ristorante.

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