Menu from PG Cafè
Check out the menu at PG Cafè and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at PG Cafè: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from PG Cafè. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…
Check out the menu(s)
Menu highlights
Chicken Wings 6 pz
Chicken Nuggerts 9 pz
PG Box
4 wigs, 6 nuggets, 4 mozzarelline, 4 olive all'ascolana, patatine fritte
Jesse James
hamburger, lattuga, pomodoro, cheddar, ketchup
Billy The Kid
hamburger, uovo, bacon, cetriolo, insalata, pomodoro, salsa ranch
Calamity Jane
hamburger, insalata, melanzane, zucchine, maionese al basilico
Texas Club Sandwich
triplo strato di pane, zucchine, melanzane, pomodoro, cipolla rossa, Philadelphia alle erbe
Montana Wrap
hamburger, insalata, cheddar, bacon, cipolla caramellata, ketchup
Menu Wraps
pomodoro, mozzarella, verdure miste
pomodoro, mozzarella, cotto, funghi, salame piccante, wurstel, olive, salsiccia, carciofi
pomodoro, mozzarella, salmone, gambero, prezzemolo