Recensioni di Ristorante Pizzeria Malibran (5)
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5 recensioni
5 recensioni
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- Positive prima
- Negative prima
Food was fairly average, Campari and soda came in a premixed bottle. Ate there for convenience as attending the Teatro de Malibran but would probably choose somewhere else next time
Everyone was inviting. Food came fast and was tasty. We had the pizza. It joust was not a wow, yet good food for a good price in a lovely spot. The restrooms need attention. Meaning ceiling tiles with visible water damage.
Fantastic gluten free options for coeliac, brilliant pizza! Thank you.
Vielen Dank für das tolle Essen, den guten Wein und die perfekte Bedienung in den letzten 4 Tagen . LG von Cornelia und Chridtian
Der Service + Charme einer guten italienischen (!) Bedienung wird leider nicht erreicht